My Sony CLIE NX80V

I had been planning on buying a palm pilot for quite some time.  When I met Jennifer, she had a Palm IIIxe, which she allowed me to use for a while.  She had not really used it all that much since she received it.  I fell in love with it.  Knowing the potential for what would soon be the explosive pocket digital assistant (PDA) market, and how rapidly such technology explodes, I suspected that within a few years, PDAs would be able to do an incredible amount of things.  I was right.  A year later, my beautiful wife, Jennifer, gave me the best gift I have ever received.  On my 25th birthday, I became the proud owner of the Sony CLIE NR70V.  After a year of use and hours of time spent playing with it,  I used a glitch in the software as an excuse to trade it in for a newer and better model.  Thus, I acquired the current "beast" I have in my possession, the Sony CLIE NX80V.  And it truly is "beast"!!! Ok, maybe not literally, but it's functions and power are truly awesome.



  • Palm OS 5

  • High Performance CPU (200 MHz)

  • Built-in Digital Camera (1.3 Mega-pixel)

  • Built-in Voice Recorder & MP3 Player

  • Built-in QWERTY Layout Keyboard

  • Retractable CompactFlash (Type II) Slot

  • High-resolution Color Display (320 x 480)

  • 32MB of ROM/RAM

  • The NX80V redefines the popular NX-Series CLIE handhelds with a new design, improved hardware features, and upgraded application software. Palm OS 5 and ARM-compliant 200 MHz CPU, provide enhanced overall performance and an exceptional multimedia experience.


    The built-in 1.3 Mega-pixel camera supports SXGA (1280 x 960) resolution for high quality still photos, and you can save JPEG images or MPEG4 motion video to Memory Stick media. The "Capture Light" provides additional light to help take pictures in places with low ambient light, and a Slow Shutter Mode is also useful in low light conditions. In bright sunlight conditions, the Neutral Density Filter will reduce the amount of light entering the camera lens.


    Designed for the CLIE Wireless LAN Card , the CompactFlash (Type-II) slot also provides limited support for CompactFlash Memory Cards as optional data storage. When the CompactFlash Slot is not needed, it can retract into the back of the unit, maintaining the slim profile. With the optional Wireless LAN Card equipped, you can check email, browse the web, and synchronize data wirelessly with your PC via wireless Local Area Network.


    Three methods of text entry are provided to give you maximum flexibility. In addition to the built-in QWERTY layout keyboard and standard Graffiti method of entering text, the NX80V also features Decuma Input Handwriting Recognition Software, which converts your natural handwriting into text. Use the text entry method that’s easiest for you.


    The NX80V includes a built-in MP3 player and stereo headphones. You can listen to music on the handheld while using other applications or with the screen turned off to conserve battery life.


    The built-in Voice Recorder lets you take notes even if only one hand is free, and the adjustable microphone sensitivity helps keep voice recordings clear.


    Plus, most of the CLIE software that comes with the PEG-NX80V is pre-installed into ROM memory, leaving the RAM memory free for you to add your own software applications!

    You can read more about it, if you would like details or specifications on the device: PEG-NX80V

    The accessories I use:

        Covertec Case - Protection and elegance (Covertec)

        Sony MemoryStick Pro 256MB

        Sony MemoryStick 128MB

        Sony MemoryStick 16MB

        Headset and Remote Control for listening to MP3 music

        Sony USB Cradle for the NX80V - for use with my desktop PC

        USB Cable for sync and recharge with laptop

        Screen Protectors


    The software I currently have on my NX80V:

        Medical Software:

            Griffith's 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2004

            5-Minute Pediatric Consult

            5-Minute Neurology Consult

            Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult

            5-Minute Cardiology Consult - AHA

            5-Minute Infectious Disease Consult

            ABC's of Interpretive Laboratory Data

            Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary

            Lange's Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment

            Harrison's Manual of Medicine 15th ed.

            IV Medications 2002

            Medicine Recall

            Outlines in Clinical Medicine

            Pediatrics Recall

            Surgical Recall

            USMLE Step 1 Recall

            USMLE Step 2 Secrets

            The Washington Manual Internship Survival Guide


            ABG Pro 

            Archimedes Medical Calculator

            ATP III Cholesterol Management 

            ePocrates Rx 


            John Hopkins Antibiotics Guide 

            List: Medical Abbreviations 

            Medical Mnemonics 




            Palm EKG 

            OB Pregnancy Wheel 

            Shots 2005 


            Adobe Acrobat Reader / Files: 

               Current Clinical Strategies (Medicine)

               Current Clinical Strategies (Critical Care Medicine) 

               Treatment Guidelines for Medicine & Primary Care


            iSilo Reader / Files: 

                Greenberg's Clinical Neurology, 5th ed.

                Lange's Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2003

                Lange's Current Cardiology, 2nd ed.

                Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 15th ed.

                Merritt's Textbook of Neurology, 10th ed.

                Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy

                EKG Palm Brain


    Productivity Software:

            QuickOffice 7.1: Word / Excel / Powerpoint

            CLIE Mail - email

            PocketMoney - Keep track of checkbook and credit cards

            SlovoEd Dictionary:

                 English - English

                 English - German & German - English

                 English - Italian & Italian - English

                 English - Spanish & Spanish - English

                 English - French & French - English

            SplashID - Keeps track of names and passwords






            DateMate - keeps track of birthdays and anniversaries

            DateBook 5 - great substitute for the Palm OS DateBk

            CLIE RMC - Universal Remote Control - TV / DVD / VCR

            Mega Clock

            Palm Print - Print to a printer with infrared

            PrintMe - Print from your Palm

            Voice Recorder - Great for dictation and other recording

            Video Recorder

            WA Clock - World Alarm Clock



            YiShow Explorer

                with Soccer theme & Roberto Carlos Wallpaper



            Palm OS AudioPlayer

            Current Music:

                 Dave Brubeck - Take Five, Dariush - Dasthaye to

                 Enigma, DJ Sammy, The Orb, Frou Frou

                 Maroon 5, Dido



            Kinoma Movie Player / Producer 

            Current Movies :

                 Seinfeld - The Pez Dispenser

                 Seinfeld - The Soup Nazi

                 Seinfeld - The Marine Biologist








            Fish Tycoon


            Pocket Chess Deluxe 2.5





            GTS Racing Challenge

            Heli Rescue







            Pocket Othello

            Pocket Chess

            Rook's Revenge


            Seven Seas

            Sim City

            SolFree Solitaire





    The history of my PDAs:

    Palm IIIxe


    Sony CLIE NR70V


    Sony CLIE NX80V


    palmOne Treo 650

    2005  ???